Find out the next ISS pass with APRS

Recently I found a twitter post from WA1GOV about a new service he offers (). If you send an APRS message with the content “ISS” to the callsign WA1GOV-10, you will receive the next ISS pass at your location as a message.

The only condition is that you are in the range of a TX-igate and that this TX-igate is aware of your position, so that it sends the message from the APRS-IS back to HF. I had some trouble with this. At the beginning I did not receive the ISS data, but I saw it at, so I sent a couple of more beacons and now I sucessfully received a message back. Beside the ISS there are also the following satellites available: AO-85,AO-91,AO-92,SO-50

QSL Karte von der ISS – QSL card from ISS


Heute habe ich meine erste QSL Karte bekommen. Und dazu noch eine ganz besondere: Von der Internationalen Raumstation ISS. Diese kann man bekommen, wenn man erfolgreich eine APRS Nachricht zur ISS gesendet hat und diese repeated und auf der Erde wieder empfangen wurde. (2-Wege-QSO). Ich möchte hier kurz beschreiben, was man dafür tun muss. Today I received my very first QSL card. And even more a special one: From the International Space Station (ISS). It can be received for APRS message that was sucessfully repeated by the digipeater of the ISS. Here is a short description, what to do to receive such a QSL card.

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